Recognizing the Signs of Burnout in Therapists Cover Image

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout in Therapists

July 14, 20244 min read

Burnout Feature Image

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout in Therapists

As therapists, we are often the lifeline for our clients, providing them with the support and guidance they need to navigate their challenges. But what happens when we, the helpers, start to feel emotionally and physically drained? Burnout is an insidious and pervasive issue that many therapists face, often without even realizing it. Today, we’ll delve into the signs of burnout, why it’s crucial to recognize them early, and how you can begin to heal and thrive once more.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is more than just feeling tired or overworked. It’s a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion that can significantly impact your ability to function effectively both personally and professionally. For therapists, burnout can be particularly damaging, as it affects not only your well-being but also the quality of care you provide to your clients.

common cause of burnout

Common Causes of Burnout in Therapists:

  • Emotional Labour: Continuously holding space and being empathic for clients' emotional struggles.

  • Heavy Caseloads: Managing a high number of clients with complex issues.

  • Self-Limiting Beliefs and Perfectionism: The pressure to be perfect in your therapeutic work or personal life. Other self-limiting beliefs include the need to ‘sacrifice’ your needs to look after others or the need to follow rules too tightly.

Emotional Signs of Burnout

  1. Chronic Exhaustion: Do you feel drained even after a good night's sleep or a weekend off? Persistent fatigue that doesn’t go away with rest is a major red flag.

  2.  Emotional Numbness: Have you noticed a sense of detachment or indifference towards your clients? Emotional numbness can be a defence mechanism against overwhelming stress.

  3.  Irritability: Are you finding yourself more irritable and frustrated, both at work and at home? Increased irritability can be a sign that your emotional reserves are depleted.

Physical Signs of Burnout

  1.  Sleep Issues: Are you struggling with insomnia or oversleeping? Sleep disturbances are common in burnout and can exacerbate other symptoms.

  2. Frequent Illnesses: Have you been getting sick more often? A weakened immune system is a physical manifestation of chronic stress.

  3. Physical Symptoms: Are you experiencing headaches, muscle tension, or other unexplained aches and pains? These physical symptoms can be your body's way of signalling distress.

Behavioural and Cognitive Signs of Burnout

  1. Reduced Professional Efficacy: Are you noticing a decline in the quality of your work? Burnout can lead to feelings of incompetence and reduced professional efficacy. You may feel like you are not good enough and start questioning yourself and your work performance. The negative feedback loop may intensify over time leaving you feeling exhausted.

  2. Withdrawal: Have you been withdrawing from social and professional interactions? Isolation can be a coping mechanism but can also worsen burnout.

  3. Negative Thinking: Are you experiencing increased cynicism and detachment? Negative thinking patterns are common in burnout and can impact your outlook on work and life. The negative impact of burnout may spill over to your personal life and overall life satisfaction. 

Wondering if you are burned out? Check in with yourself with the following questions:

  • Do you dread going to work?

  • Are you feeling emotionally and physically drained most of the time?

  • Have you become more cynical or critical at work?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might be experiencing burnout.

It's crucial to reach out for support. This could be through professional supervision, peer support groups, or talking to a trusted colleague. 

Recognizing the signs of burnout is the first step towards reclaiming your well-being and reigniting your passion for helping others. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. There are resources and support available to help you heal and thrive.

To further support you in this process, I invite you to download our FREE Daily Self-Care Ritual Planner. They are quick simple ways to remind you to incorporate simple steps to look after yourself in your everyday life. 

Coming up, we have a FREE webinar on Overcoming Burnout: Proven Energy Management Strategies for Therapists on the 30th August 2024 (Friday) at 10 am AWST. If you are interested, check out the link to register and claim your FREE seat!

By acknowledging and addressing burnout, you can rediscover the joy and fulfillment in your work and life. Take it one step at a time and know that it's okay to prioritize your own well-being. You deserve it.

Founder of The Blossoming Therapists, Buddhist Life Coach and Psychologist

Poh Gan

Founder of The Blossoming Therapists, Buddhist Life Coach and Psychologist

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