Mindset Audit

Mindset Audit: What Are Your Energy Blocks?

August 27, 20245 min read

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Mindset Audit: What Are Your Energy Blocks?

As therapists, we often find ourselves deeply invested in the well-being of our clients, guiding them through their mental and emotional challenges. However, it's equally important to turn that compassionate, insightful lens inward and examine our own mindsets. Identifying and addressing energy blocks is essential for maintaining our vitality and preventing burnout. In this blog post, we will explore further the concept of a mindset audit, help you identify common energy blocks, and provide practical strategies to overcome them.

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Understanding Energy Blocks

Energy blocks are mental and emotional barriers that drain our energy and hinder our ability to function at our best. These blocks can stem from various sources, such as negative thought patterns, unresolved emotions, or limiting beliefs. Recognizing and addressing these blocks is crucial for sustaining our energy and maintaining a positive, productive mindset.


Below are some of the common energy blocks that I have experienced and some that I've observed among my therapist colleagues:

  • Self-doubt: Constantly questioning your abilities and second-guessing your decisions can be mentally exhausting.

  • Perfectionism: Striving for unattainable perfection can lead to chronic stress and dissatisfaction.

  • Guilt: Feeling guilty for not doing enough or for taking time for yourself can drain your energy.

  • Fear of failure: Being overly concerned with making mistakes can create anxiety and hinder progress.

  • Negative self-talk: Internal criticism and negative self-talk can erode self-esteem and motivation.

  • Scarcity mindset: Believing that there isn't enough time, resources, or opportunities can limit your potential and increase stress.

Conducting a mindset audit with awareness

A mindset audit involves observing your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes with open awareness to identify energy blocks. Here are some steps to guide you through the process: 

  1. Self-reflection: Whether it is journaling your thoughts and feelings for a few minutes every day or practice awareness-based meditation would help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Notice any recurring negative themes or self-critical patterns.

  2. Identify limiting beliefs: For the CBT folks, you may write down your beliefs about yourself, work and capabilities and see if there are any beliefs that are particularly limiting or negative. Check in with yourself to see if they are truly accurate or evidence. See if you can reframe the belief in a more positive light. For the ACT folks, notice limiting thought patterns that continue to play out in the background. You may do some work to defuse from them.

  3. Notice your emotional triggers: There might be certain situations that trigger strong emotional reactions in you. Reflect on why these situations affect you and how they drain your energy. Consider whether these emotional reactions stem from unresolved past experiences. Seek support if needed to process and release these emotions.

  4. Practice mindfulness of your self-talk: Pay attention and observe to your inner dialogue. Identify instances of negative self-talk and replace them with affirmations or positive statements. I like to give love, warmth, and understanding to this part of me, which works so hard to protect me. Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you offer your clients. Acknowledge your efforts and progress.

  5. Evaluate your mindset on scarcity: Notice when you think in terms of lack or insufficiency, whether it’s about time, resources, or opportunities. See if you can shift your perspective to recognize abundance in your life. It is one of the hardest social conditioning that we need to unlearn and embrace greater elevated emotions such as gratitude and abundance. When we start to resonate with abundance, it would also attract higher energy and beautiful things happening to you.


Strategies to overcome energy blocks 

  1. Cultivate a growth mindset: View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats. This shift in perspective can reduce fear of failure and increase resilience. Recognize and celebrate your achievements and wins, no matter how small. This practice can boost motivation and self-esteem. When you start to see that challenges are building blocks for success in the future, you are more likely to shift your relationships with failure. When you start to feel okay with failure. Nothing will stop you because they are just experience to help you to grow as a person.

  2. Set realistic expectations: Redefine what healthy thriving means to you. Focus on progress and effort rather than perfection. Once you can let go of the perfectionistic thinking, it would be so freeing! Yes, you would still set goals, but you don’t have to push yourself too hard to go for unrelenting standards! Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make them feel less overwhelming and more achievable.

  3. Develop healthy boundaries: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Schedule time for activities that replenish your energy. Practice saying no to additional tasks or commitments that exceed your capacity. Protect your time and energy. While this takes practice, unlearning old habits and learn to find your voice, trust me this is absolutely worth it!

  4. Seek support: We are not a lone wolf. We are social beings who thrive on connections. I can’t stress how important it is to have a group or a community where you can share experiences and strategies for managing energy blocks. It is especially true for people who are on a similar path like you! Regularly consult with a supervisor or a life coach to discuss challenges and receive guidance.


Join Our Free Webinar on Energy Management 

Understanding and overcoming energy blocks is a crucial aspect of energy management. To delve deeper into these strategies and learn how to sustain your energy as a therapist, join our upcoming free webinar:


Topic: Overcome Burnout: Proven Energy Management Strategies for Therapists 

Date: 30/8/2024 (Friday) 

Time: 10 am to 11.30 am (AWST)


In this webinar, we’ll explore actionable steps and science-backed strategies for managing your energy, addressing energy blocks, and maintaining a balanced, fulfilling professional life.


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Conducting a mindset audit and addressing energy blocks can significantly enhance your well-being and professional effectiveness. By reflecting on your thoughts and beliefs, identifying and challenging energy blocks, and implementing practical strategies, you can create a more positive and sustainable mindset.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about energy management and how to prevent burnout. Sign up for our free webinar today and take the first step towards a more balanced and energized professional life!


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Founder of The Blossoming Therapists, Buddhist Life Coach and Psychologist

Poh Gan

Founder of The Blossoming Therapists, Buddhist Life Coach and Psychologist

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